popcornflix Watch Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Full Movie English Subtitles

Liked It: 556554 Votes / country: USA / duration: 2Hour, 10 m / Writed by: Stan Lee / Year: 2017 /

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Thor: Ragnarok

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Watch thor: ragnarok (2017) full movie english subtitles free. Watch thor 3a ragnarok(2017) full movie english subtitles youtube. I really had no high expectations for this. I had never seen the first two Thor films and, according to the general consensus, I had not actually missed much. What was great about this is that I absolutely did not have to watch the first two films to get where the characters were at. It almost seemed like the filmmaker wants to erase what had been in the past and start from scratch, and luckily they did a mighty fine job of it. This is funny and wickedly entertaining, and most importantly, Thor is a great character to watch. Chris Hemsworth infuses him with so much natural charisma that the entire thing works. He has always seemed like he would make a great character, and here he finally becomes one.

Watch thor 3a ragnarok(2017) full movie english subtitles instagram. Watch thor: ragnarok (2017) full movie english subtitles youtube. I had the opportunity to witness this goofy nonsense with my Father, who was a big fan of the Thor comics in his youth, and what he saw on screen destroyed everything he, and later, I, would come to enjoy about the titular character, who has been reduced to a comedic buffoon thanks to this, as my Father would say, abortion. And indeed it was. The constant jokes, which fall flat in the hands of Jeff Goldblum and Cate Blanchett, who seem to have swapped genders in this film, caused the story to lose its stakes, rendering the 2hr 10min movie a complete waste. Don't see this if you're a Thor fan.

Watch Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Full Movie English subtitle. Coming on the back of 2 mediocre, average Thor movies Marvel needed to knock it out of the park with this one and that is exactly what they did. They decided to make Thor funny a change which I absolutely. It's just missing that special something for me to give it a 10/10. Still a great film though.

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